Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wal-Mart Might Be Good For Something After All!

Guess who sent her husband to Walmart for a portable DVD player and ended up getting a lap top instead!?? ME!!! After months of bumming internet time from my Ru's iPad I've got my own lap top again! With a built in web cam!( Lee Lee!!! SKYPE!!!!) The iPad is great for Ru - and we could skype  on there - but she was always twisting it and you saw more of the ceiling fan then you did of her face. ;o)

The new lappy is just a cheep Compaq with a very loud keyboard but its got one! :o) and it runs on windows and is FLASH compatible. That was driving me batty with the ipad!

So, enough about that - but happy happy joy joy!

Gotta go change Mr. Man. Its a morning of stinkies around here!


  1. YayyyY! This is so exciting! I had been praying that you would be able to get one. Wait...did you get the portable dvd player too??

    Love you!

  2. P.s. I love what you've done with the place.

  3. Tanks Mon! I like it better myself!
    And no, didnt get the dvd player but we can run DVDs on the laptop so its a win win baby!
